Loving A Significant Other With Depression

“Would anyone truly understand what it is like to watch your spouse be in such pain? To see them fighting to get back to themselves and fail when that day is just too painful? Would they understand that when he hurts I hurt, but I am afraid to say it, as not to worry him?” Continue reading Loving A Significant Other With Depression

A message to the African-American community on stereotypes about Brazilian women

This comprehensive article is a must read especially to our North American Black communities. Being part West Indian myself (Trinidadian), I hear similar stereotypes from people of my own African American communities regards the Caribbean islands. The grass is not greener, we are all in the same boat dealing with the same issues. The sooner people … Continue reading A message to the African-American community on stereotypes about Brazilian women

Opening the Waves for Everyone: Surfing, Race, and Political Awareness

Very interesting read Tropics of Meta   In recent months the sight of NFL, NBA, and NCAA athletes donning t-shirts protesting the deaths of Ferguson’s Michael Brown, Staten Island’s Eric Garner and other black Americans by law enforcement officers has become commonplace, as have critical reactions to such symbolic acts. The St. Louis Police Department … Continue reading Opening the Waves for Everyone: Surfing, Race, and Political Awareness